A net-home for those in Maine who believe that Richardson ought to be the next president of the United States. So, why Richardson? Read this posting, "Why Maine Needs Bill Richardson" Just a disclaimer... This site is designed and maintained by a volunteer. For the official info on Richardson and to join his campaign, see his official site

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Richardson on Iraq Withdrawal

If you missed it, I would highly recommend Richardson's Op-ed piece in the Washington Post from yesterday, "Why We Should Exit Iraq Now". In the article, Richardson calls for complete and quick withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

My position has been clear since I entered this race: Remove all the troops and launch energetic diplomatic efforts in Iraq and internationally to bring stability. If Congress fails to end this war, I will remove all troops without delay, and without hesitation, beginning on my first day in office.

I love the Guv!

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