A net-home for those in Maine who believe that Richardson ought to be the next president of the United States. So, why Richardson? Read this posting, "Why Maine Needs Bill Richardson" Just a disclaimer... This site is designed and maintained by a volunteer. For the official info on Richardson and to join his campaign, see his official site

Friday, August 17, 2007

jobs and the economy

Yesterday, Richardson unveiled his plan for strengthening our economy and creating good jobs. I urge everyone to read the plan in its entirety. Here I will only comment on some of the highlights.

In regard to taxes, Richardson plans to repeal the Bush tax cut to the uber-rich. He will extend tax credits to those companies which offer high paying jobs as well as those that employ folks in rural areas (very important for us in Maine). He also wants to end the Alternative Minimum Tax which so adversely effects many middle class families. What I find very exciting is that he wants to slash corporate welfare!

Now, those tax changes will help create jobs. But Richardson also wants to tie the minimum wage to inflation. This way, we won't have a lull of a decade plus before the minimum wage is increased again. What a great common sense solution!

He wants to make it easier for working people to organize and punish companies who try to crush budding unions!

He plans on giving incentives for green building. Again, this is huge in a number of ways. It is environmentally responsible, energy responsible, and will create more jobs.

He plans to hire 100,000 new math and science teachers -- who will fall under his teacher minimum wage.

I know many don't think that job plans are all that exciting, but please, read the plan. This will be great for all of us.

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