A net-home for those in Maine who believe that Richardson ought to be the next president of the United States. So, why Richardson? Read this posting, "Why Maine Needs Bill Richardson" Just a disclaimer... This site is designed and maintained by a volunteer. For the official info on Richardson and to join his campaign, see his official site

Saturday, June 30, 2007

2nd Quarter Countdown

The decisions you make in the next few hours can truly influence who wins the White House in 2008.

We've got only a few hours before the crucial second quarter FEC fundraising deadline. Can you help keep our momentum alive by making a contribution now?


If you've been waiting to see if this campaign is going to take off, now is the time to act. Right now is when your contribution can make the biggest difference.

Governor Richardson's poll numbers are skyrocketing. Now is the time to capitalize on this momentum with a fundraising haul that will really make the media sit up and pay attention. If we put enough $25 and $50 donations together before tonight's midnight fundraising deadline, we can shake up this entire race.

The clock is ticking -- we need your help now to meet our goal and keep the momentum going.


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